Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Brody Update

Today was the day we went in to surgery. It was a good day he got to play with his little brother all over the halls of the hospital. Riding Bikes watching movies.

He walked right back there with the doctors when it was time and was so brave. The doctor said he did really well and they had to take not two but three piece of his kidney as the first two had to much of the inner layer and they needed also the outer layer of the kidney. We are now in his room for the night and he is doing well. We are looking forward to being able to go home tomorrow.


Ranee said...

Brody Boy~

We love you oodles and are excited to hear that you did so well today! We think you are SO brave and we are keeping you in our prayers!

The Hansen Fam in AZ!

Jessica said...

So sorry that you had to endure the walking away while they go off to surgery, that is so hard. I'm glad that he was brave and did well.

Anna said...

If you need anything please don't hesitate to call me. You know Riley is always welcome to come play - Natalie asked the other night if Riley could live with us! I'm glad to hear that Brody is doing well. We're keeping him in our prayers.

Lydia said...

I have been thinking and praying for Brody all week. I'm glad he is doing well.

Nikki said...

I am so happy that everything went well for the little guy. Our prayers are with you.

Jen said...

What a brave boy you are Brody!!! We love you and are praying for you and your Mama & Daddy! Hugs!!!