Check this blog out. She does some blog designs that I thought were really cute. Click here to see the rules on the giveaway. Click here to see some of the cute designs.
So my lovely lady neighbor and friend just down the street has three wonderful kids but as busy moms we both don't get much one on one time with them during the day so we came up with a plan for this summer which I think is fantastic. We just pick a day out of the week that works best for both of us and then choose a child that we think needs our attention and we then drop the others off and they get to have fun and play for a couple of hours while mom and chosen child also gets to go and have fun at or where ever they what to do. So the other day was Brody's turn and he wanted to go to the park so we went up the South Park Meadows because there is alot of trees and some really fun toys to play on and in the summer there is even some water fountains that go off.. So here are some of the pictures I got of him just having a great time just him and I.