This is what breakfast looks like with a 17month old takes over the spoon...
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Christmas Tag!!
Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your family and friends. Okay, here's what you're supposed to do, and try not to be a SCROOGE!!! Just copy and paste into a new post and then tell anyone and everyone you want to do this that they have been tagged.. Change all the answers so that they apply to you....Tis the Season to be NICE!
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper 2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial , although I really LOVE the smell of a real one! 3. When do you put up the tree? Usually the day after Thanksgiving, But it all depends on when Robert helps me get it down. I personally think the longer it is up makes it actually worth the time it took you to put it up in the first place. 4. When do you take the tree down? Not until after New Years 5. Do you like eggnog? I don't like the stuff from the stores but I love the stuff my mom makes as it really is just and allspice, nutmeg milkshake. 6. Favorite gift received as a child? My hope chest 7. Hardest person to buy for? Robert my hubby 8. Easiest person to buy for? My kids 9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes 10. Mail or email Christmas cards? This year I don't know most years in the mail they go 11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Clothes I don't know from who but I am sorry if you are going to get a women clothes or shoes just get her a gift card. 12. Favorite Christmas Movie? The Polar Express 13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Mid summer I start looking for small things, But most of the shopping is done after Thanksgiving 14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No 15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? I think Hickory Farms makes them and they only come out at the holidays they are pastel colored kisses that are mint oh love them. 16. Lights on the tree? White keep it simple 17. Favorite Christmas song? Silent Night also love when I can sing to the kids when they are not being so good the Santa Claus song with you better watch out, you better not cry. 18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Most of the time we stay at home, but are thinking of trying and seeing family this year. 19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Yes 20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Star 21. Open presents on Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas Morning
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Christmas decorations before Halloween in the stores. 23. Favorite ornament theme or color? no theme unless alittle bit of everything and everyone is a theme. We let the kids pick out a new ornament each year and put it on the tree. My mom and dad did this with me and when I got married I wasnt left with a naked tree our first year or having to run and get all new ones. It also helps get our family talking as the kids ask where is this from or who made this? Its alot of fun.
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Ham and cheesy potatoes. YUMMY 25. What do you want for Christmas this year? Oh man! this is hard as I know and truly want my family to be happy and enjoy each other. But deep down I really want a nice camera I know I am terrible. 26. Who is most likely to respond to this? Lots of people 27. Who is least likely to respond to this? Lots of people Merry Christmas!! I tag Laurie, Michelle, Charity, Amber and anyone else that wants to do this. |
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Cleaning and scrubbing can wait tell tomorrow
Cause babies grow up we have learned with our sorrow
So Quite down cobwebs, Dust go to sleep
I'm rocking my babies and babies don't keep..
Author Unknown
But on busy days when I'll I see is the dirt on the floors or the dishes piled high in the sink. And all my little one want is my lap this little poem come quickly to my head. So next time you are having to choose between vacumeing the floors or holding that baby remember this. Because I don't know about you just as soon as the vacume turns off the carpet is going to get dirty again. But if you pick that baby up that moment will forever be in yours and their heart.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Button for Kaiya!
There expenses are going to be great and that is the last thing they need to be thinking about now. So I am adding a button to my blog. If you know them go here. and grab one and put it on your blog. If you just want to help then click on it and do what ever you can.
Thank you.
p.s. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Garden 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I've been tagged twice.
This first one is for you Charity. I hope you are having lot of fun hugging a snuggling with that cute new baby of yours.
8 Things I’m passionate about:
-Photography (but I need more classes and a better camera saving my pennies)
-My family
-Trying to be a good mom and wife
-Saving money
-Having fun
-Shoes even most of the times I am only seen wearing flip flops
-Having a garden
8 Things I want to do before I die:
- See my children Happy doing whatever there dreams are
- Go and see an event in person at the olympics
- See as many of the worlds temples as I can
- Go back to school
- Have my house decorated
- Travel the World Europe, China, New Zealand, Argentina
- Go on a mission with Robert
- BE on the price is right
8 Things I do now:
- Grocery Shopping
- Dishes
- Clean Bathrooms
- Play with kids
- Pay Bills
- Mountains of Laundry
- Make cookies
- Paint my toes
Things I can not do:
- Clean the tub that is Robert's job around here
- make friends
- lose weight
- sing
- fix a car
- let things go
- not make my bed everyday no really if I don't I feel like my day is gone all wrong
weird I know.
8 Things I often say:
- "Crap"
-" Freak in A"
- " There it is."
- " do you have to go potty?''
- '' That's not nice"
- '' Say your sorry"
- '' Really?"
8 Favorite foods:
- Bean Burritos from taco bell no red sauce please
- southwest chicken salad from jack in the box
- Chocolate
- Quesidillas sp
- Good BBQ
- carna asada
- sweet potato fries
- Chocolate Chip Cookies
8 Things you may not have know about me:
- When I concentrate I stick my tongue out
- I hate having a dirty car
- same a Charity I can not kiss anyone even my kiddos in the morning until we have brushed our teeth
- I went to but never finished cosmetology school
- I can't go to bed with dishes in my sink
- I love making bread and being able to work it with my hands
- I have a hard time feeling content with what I have but I'm working on it
- I sometimes think I jumped into things to fast
Ok people we are half way there.. This one is from Regan.
8 favorite TV SHOWS
1. The Office
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Biggest Loser
4. Food Network
5. House
6. The Amazing Race
7. Sid the science kid so cool if you haven't seen it check it out my kids love it
8. The Soup
8 favorite RESTAURANTS
1. LULU's Tacos in AZ
2. PF Chan's
3. TGI Friday's
4. Caraba's
5. Revas in AZ
6. I cant remember the name but it is in Boston and makes yummy chowder
7. Subway
8. Freebirds
8 books you'd RECOMMEND
1. Simplify
2. Rich Dad Pour Dad
3. 15 things LDS parents do wrong and how to avoid them
4. 365 tv free things to do with your preschooler
5. Pinkolious
6. Love you for always
7. Most of John Grishams Books
8.oh the last one is so hard so many to choose from Little Women
8 things that happened YESTERDAY
1. Talked to my mom before and after she had eye surgery
2. Watched and played with Rhe- Annes kiddos
3. Made dinner for the missionaries
4. Watched Riley sing in her first school program it was so cute
5. Went to HEB for bread
6. Went on walk
7. Did Laundry
8. my face totally broke out it hates me
8 things to LOOK FORWARD TO
In no particular order...
1. Christmas
2. Hyde going to Nursery ( only 9 more sundays)
3. Being able to build our dream home
4. Going to school
5. More kiddos someday but not soon
6. The weekend
7. A Vacation really any kind of one would be great
8. A hot bath
8 things on MY WISH LIST
1. A new car
2. ipod
3. clothes
4. shoes
5. a new stroller see earlier post
6. a vacation see above
7. enough money so I can help whoever when ever they need it
8. a personal trainer that comes to my house and kicks my butt
1. The leafs
2. Cooler
3. Having my windows open
4. colors
5. Family
6. Yummy foods
7. Clothes
8. OH Almost didnt do this one but I finally thought of something it is a drink my family makes for thanksgiving with apricot and peach juice mixed with sprite. Yummy
8 people I TAG
1. Ranee
2. Michelle
3. Emily
4. Colista
5. Holly
6. Merrianne
7. Kari
8. Maren
So there you have it. I hope you had fun I know I did but man now you should know every thing about me.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Barack Obama is now the president of the USA. We will honor and respect him as our president. We will hope and pray for his safety and that he will be able to make wise decisions.